Ward Halloween Party
2011 Smith Family Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza
turned into this.
turned into this.
will turn into this.
And this...
will one day carve a pumpkin like this.
Ready for the big night.
Here's a little background for those unfortunate few not blessed to have followed my blog from it's inception. I join ranks with my friend Whitney (http://whitneydibble.blogspot.com/) in declaring that I am NOT "a holiday mom". Halloween gives me great anxiety every year, although I have to say I am getting a little less stressed as the years pass with this year being the best yet, so yay me.
My girl Kay knows how I feel about Halloween costumes, so she took it upon herself to take over for me this year. What a sweetheart. She picked hers out when we were back to school shopping at the discount store - woohoo! Thinking ahead - I love it! (Actually, she knew she would get stuck in a pioneer dress from her dress up bin if she didn't grab the goods while the gettin' was good, so there ya go. Nevertheless, that was one down, two to go. She also took care of Aaron's costume for me by declaring he could wear the fireman costume from the YMCA number he was in at Tribute to the Oldies (see previous post). Two down, one to go. No ideas for Bekah. I resort to my usual tactic of rading the thrift store a few days before halloween and hoping they'll have something in her size, but this year I just couldn't bring myself to go. So she got Minnie Mouse ears cut out of black construction paper taped on a black headband. With a red shirt. You can't see her pants in the picture, but they had little mini mouses all over them I swear. :) Another year down, 5 more pounds gained (thank you kind neighbors) and 11 months till I have to do it all over again. Anyone want to trade costumes?!