A good portion of my life has been spent playing the piano for everyone else's diva moments. Now it's my turn. I invite you to accompany ME through my life's diva and, well, not so diva-like moments. It'll be entertaining. Promise.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

One More Tooth is History :)



  1. Kaylee- you are going to need dentures soon!

  2. Way to go Kaylee! I'm so proud of you. What a big girl.

  3. I told her at church I was so excited for her. Then we pointed out all the "grown up" teeth that were coming in. Then I asked her "Kaylee, do you know what it means when you lose your teeth?" she said "No, what?" I said "It means you are growing up!" "Oh yeah!" she said :)

  4. All Kaylee wants for Christmas is her 2 front teeth, her two front teeth, see her two front teeth! :)
