A good portion of my life has been spent playing the piano for everyone else's diva moments. Now it's my turn. I invite you to accompany ME through my life's diva and, well, not so diva-like moments. It'll be entertaining. Promise.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Girls Camp!
So, a few weeks ago I decided that I hadn't had enough of the Texas summer heat, and in order to get the full experience, I needed to spend some more time in the great outdoors....as in 5 brutally hot, national-weather-service-issuing-heat-advisories hot days AND nights in the good 'ol Texas countryside. The trip started out somewhat on the sleepy side after spending the day and night before putting together 20 foil dinner meals, shopping for food for 20 for the week (thankfully we only had to do 3 meals on our own), and tying up other odds and ends. Emphasis on the TYING part...here is our trusty YW Pres. the next morning after realizing the ropes to tie down the stuff to the trailer were somewhere packed INSIDE the stuff in the trailer...lucky for her (and us) she has some amazing connections in the friends department - thanks Tynan!
Off we went with our girls, gear, and camp flag in tow - doesn't it look great? (OK Jen - that made up for the ropes... :)
The heat in general was much more bearable than I thought it would be, thanks to a nice, hot breeze that was there pretty much the whole time we were, an air-conditioned lodge where we had most of the meals/classes, and a fabulous pool that had nice cool water. OK, so maybe I wasn't roughing it completely, but I would give props to anyone sleeping in a tent for a week in the middle of a Texas summer.
The girls had a blast. We had 8 girls go from our ward - Bonnie, the triplets (Adriana, Briana, Christiana), Jasmin, Heather, Aynsley, and Victoria. The stake kept them BUSY! As you can see, they loved singing....OK, Bonnie loved singing - the rest of them put up with it.
And then there was Lori who REALLY loved singing...
My bud and supply queen Sarah teachin her class...
Christiana waiting to find out her truth or dare...
the CC 1st ward babes...
some serious and dramatic business about to happen....the zip line!
Sis. Sagers makin jam with some of the gals
our campsite group - 1st ward and Sinton
scripture/devotional time
As sarcastic as I was in the beginning, I really did enjoy my time with these girls and leaders at camp - as always, girls camp is the best part of YW, and I'm so glad I got to go this year! Midnight pranks that will live on in the history of CC Stake forever (thanks to Jen), the best gosh-darn seminary movie EVER made (again thanks to Jen), being fed meals for 5 days that I DIDN'T MAKE or plan or cut up for kids (thanks to Beeville sisters), 8 wonderful YW and 4 more from Sinton who got along and helped the whole week, and more gut busting laughs and tears in one week than normally happen in one year made this week one to remember.
BTW, if you ever do make it up to Camp Karankawa, be sure to watch out for those nasty havalinas...
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