A good portion of my life has been spent playing the piano for everyone else's diva moments. Now it's my turn. I invite you to accompany ME through my life's diva and, well, not so diva-like moments. It'll be entertaining. Promise.

Monday, October 5, 2009

General Conference Thoughts...

I am grateful that I can listen, watch, and read General Conference in the next few months while my kids are asleep...

That is all.



  1. DAAAAAAA I COULD NOT agree with you more! I think I heard 2 conference talks in there entirety. Thank goodness for the ensign.

  2. p.s. I thought you were gonna have some really great notes on all the talks, like you did with Elder Bednar's CES fireside and I was going to feel really guilty. So I'm glad I'm not the only one! And, I love the new background. Sorry that the p.s. was longer then the s.
