A good portion of my life has been spent playing the piano for everyone else's diva moments. Now it's my turn. I invite you to accompany ME through my life's diva and, well, not so diva-like moments. It'll be entertaining. Promise.

Friday, January 22, 2010


So, Wednesday morning found us lazy in our pj's after a long Tuesday of Institute starting back up and Chorale practice. Hmm, what to do...

Good idea! Let's call and see if they are having storytime at the library!

Hi, Ms. Linda, are you sure storytime is on for this morning?

And what about the stamps? Cause you know I'm not comin if there are no stamps - that would be one for each hand....you got em'?

Ah yeah, song time. Why exactly are you jumping up and down again?
Oh, man, here come the stories...why does mom always want me to be still for the dang stories?
Ah, yes, another song...and you're waving your arms from side to side because....
C'mon mom....another story? Oh, the torture. Look, even the little lady back there can't take it.
While we're waiting for the cd player, I think I'll go check out this hot chick over here. Oh, yeah, baby, look at these goods!

More songs...ok ladies, I guess a few ab crunches wouldn't do me no harm...
Check it out little lady in the red...I can be a manly-man.
If I have to pretend to listen to one more story...
Hey it's alright little lady...I took a bath last night...
Woohoo! That's the last story! Almost stamp time!
It's this way! This is why we come here man!
Awww, yeah, red teddy bear stamps. Life is good.


  1. Ah story time...Looks like a lot of fun, especially if you're Little Mr. Smith!

  2. That was so cute da! So I can see he REALLY likes story time! He looks so big, I can't believe how grown up he is. What a man. And you tell him that I'll take that belly just like it is ANY day!

  3. That was funny, Kath! I wish I could kiss him!

