A good portion of my life has been spent playing the piano for everyone else's diva moments. Now it's my turn. I invite you to accompany ME through my life's diva and, well, not so diva-like moments. It'll be entertaining. Promise.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tribute to the Oldies

I know I have kept you all in suspense for way too long!! Our ward restarted the "Tribute to the Oldies" tradition this year. They haven't done it for about 7 years now and I guess before that it was a much-looked-forward-to yearly tradition. We had a great time.
Here are my two performers before the show

I helped the young women out with their fundraiser.

Some shots of some of the performances - California Dreamin'.

Don't know what this song was, but Rudy and Patsy were great!

The Young Women struttin' their stuff

In my opinion, the most creative get-up...

And now...for your viewing pleasure...

It was a great night...can't wait for next year!


  1. Oh Kath- what a dream! Such a natural little performer- Kaylee was great too! :) That was so fun!

  2. How fun! That Bishop has some great moves. And Kaylee...how adorable! She looked so cute! Loved the hip action! What a fun tradition. Wish I coulda been there.
