Well. The past two days have been just, well, crappy. Now, in an attempt to not throw a pity party for myself, I will focus on the good moments of the last two days. All one of them.
So, here we go.
Oh, never mind. It hurts my poor lil noggin to have to think that hard.
However, I know the two of you who actually read this blog don't come here to revel in my pity parties, so let's dish about American Idol instead. What, you're bored with that too? And you think I have no life? Well, rub it in, why don't you, while I listen to the almost three year old whine for the two hundred thousandth time today while his nine year old sister takes over as mom by threatening soap in the mouth, and yes I know there were supposed to be hyphens in that sentence but I'm too lazy to switch screens on the iPod.
Well, if American Idol bores you, as it seems to judging by the fact that I had two, yes two friends take pity on my poor soul and come to my AI finale party... 'sok, the rest of you missed out on yours truly mistaking Marc Anthony for one of the reject contestants from the audition round. Coulda happened to anybody I say.
ANYWAY, if you're not an Idol fan (and can I just say that James got robbed) then maybe you will accompany in the next great television adventure of 2011...America's Got Talent!!
What's that??
Whatever. YOU get a life. I'm gonna go read American Idol: The Untold Story.
Oh Da. It sounds like you were having a hard day. I'm sorry! I would have totally been to your party! I love you and miss you. Cheer up, my da quita.